Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lip Service

No no, get your mind out of the gutter.

I'm talking about how politicians like to talk a good game about something, and when it comes to standing up for a principle or taking a position that shows you really do believe in something, not doing it.

Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), our hated senator, who I am convinced would be a good grandmother, but is probably arguably one of the worst senators in history, has done just that. The following advertisement was in several papers in Michigan last weekend.
lip service(lip sûr'vis)
Verbal expression of agreement or allegiance,
unsupported by real conviction or action.
When activist judges said children can't say the Pledge of Allegiance in Public schools...
Sen. Debbie Stabenow was quick to support the Pledge in an essentially meaningless bill.

When activist judges banned the public display of the Ten Commandments...
Sen. Stabenow, then in the U.S. House, voted to defend the commandments in a bill that went nowhere.

And when activist judges once again struck down laws to protect your children from online pornography...
Mrs. Stabenow lamented that "there is little that parents can do to shield their children from Internet Pornographers."

The root of these problems is the misuse of judicial powers in our federal courts.
And when Sen. Stabenow finally had the chance to confirm Supreme Court Justice
John Roberts, who opposes such misuse of judicial power, she voted NO.

She sided again with the same liberal groups tht supported such judicial activism.

Please call Sen. Stabenow and let her know that
actions still speak louder than words.

Remind her that when she votes for the next Supreme Court Justice, her first responsibility is to Michigan families - Not liberal special-interest groups.

Flint 810-720-4172 East Lansing 517-203-1760
Marquette 906-228-8756 Detroit 313-961-4330
Traverse City 231-929-1031 Grand Rapids 616-975-0052
Paid for by Focus on the Family ActionTM, FRC Action and Public Interest Forum of Michigan
Peter Brandt, 8655 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920 (719)278-4400 © 2005, Focus on the Family Action

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