Monday, May 30, 2005

Schadenfreude re: Chirac

As I observe the election in France, and enjoy the impotence of Jacques Chirac in his electioneering to get the EU constitution passed, it's an interesting conundrum. While I really was hoping that the French people would slap Chirac, the reasoning behind their votes was the antithesis of positions I'd normally support. His smug little attitude condemning the US regarding the war in Iraq, during which time his government and politicians within were profiting through bribes and business deals in Iraq deserved a major slap. Too bad we can't bomb Paris.....(or can we?)

Most French viewed this as a referendum on keeping their protectionist mentality, 35 hour work week, 8 weeks of vacation a year (or more, not sure), and completely socialistic economy, OR opening their markets up to competition with the rest of the EU, including much of the former Eastern Bloc (Bulgaria, Hungary, et al), who would eat their lunch, economically speaking. And rather than cleaning up their act and getting more competitive, the French would rather continue their protectionist ways.

Let's just watch as they continue down that path toward third world country status. Hell, the only good thing to ever come out of that country was Grey Goose vodka, and I can live without that. There's so many other good vodkas out there that it's easily replaced.

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