Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The link between Iraq and 9/11

I read this about a year ago, when recommended by my friend Dr. Ken, but it seems that folks just have either forgotten it, or just didn't know about it yet.

Bottom line, while it's not a straight line, there can be connections made between the 9/11 terrorists and Sadaam Hussein's government in Iraq. If the MSM put half the effort into finding this connection as they did declaring President Bush a deserter, they would have been able to do a much better job of publicizing it. But of course, that wouldn't lead to the conclusions they want you to have.

Just some quick excerpts of unexplained connections in Andrew McCarthy's article:

  • Ahmed Hikmat Shakir — the Iraqi Intelligence operative who facilitated a 9/11 hijacker into Malaysia and was in attendance at the Kuala Lampur meeting with two of the hijackers, and other conspirators, at what is roundly acknowledged to be the initial 9/11 planning session in January 2000? Who was arrested after the 9/11 attacks in possession of contact information for several known terrorists? Who managed to make his way out of Jordanian custody over our objections after the 9/11 attacks because of special pleading by Saddam’s regime
  • Mohammed Atta's unexplained visits to Prague in 2000, and his alleged visit there in April 2001 which — notwithstanding the 9/11 Commission's dismissal of it (based on interviewing exactly zero relevant witnesses) — the Czechs have not retracted
  • Saddam’s official press lionizing bin Laden as “an Arab and Islamic hero” following the 1998 embassy bombing attacks
  • Top Clinton administration counterterrorism official Richard Clarke’s assertions, based on intelligence reports in 1999, that Saddam had offered bin Laden asylum after the embassy bombings, and Clarke’s memo to then-National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, advising him not to fly U-2 missions against bin Laden in Afghanistan because he might be tipped off by Pakistani Intelligence, and “[a]rmed with that knowledge, old wily Usama will likely boogie to Baghdad” (See 9/11 Commission Final Report, p. 134 & n.135.
Read it. Learn it. And next time you talk to an idiot liberal, torch them.

It's about the terrorism. That's why we're in Iraq. And 9/11 was just one of the many instances where terrorism was supported by the regime of Saddam Hussein.

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