Thursday, October 15, 2009

Media malpractice

More malpractice from the media:  Attacks on Rush Limbaugh, who is part of a group that wants to purchase the St. Louis Rams have been a regular item on MSNBC, but since they have about 10 viewers world-wide, it's not really an issue that they use outright falsehoods upon which to base their attacks.  However, other media outlets are now picking them up which are based upon quotes attributed to him, which have long since been debunked as 100% false.  Of course, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, who are pure race-baiting charlatans, making their millions (yes, millions) on the blackmail of American companies, threatening to strike or boycott or hold a press conference in front of their headquarters, have picked these attacks up and added to them.

Good to know that the media is as incompetent and lazy as the Dimwitocrats that they support.

Just to set the record straight, the racist quotes that I'll not repeat here because they don't need to be repeated, have NOT been quotes from Rush Limbaugh, but rather they were made up by some idiot who wrote a book that probably sold about 100 copies or so, and probably all in Berkeley CA.  They've long since been de-bunked and no one has EVER been able to come up with any quotes, sound-bites, or actual REAL evidence of Rush making racist statements.  Pretty difficult to do, since the guy broadcasts a 3 hour radio show 5 days a week and has for going on about 22 years now.  Plus speeches, public appearances and a short running TV show, and you can't find ANYTHING to bust him on?  You have to make stuff up?

Thanks to Erick at, here's some actual, attributed, well-sourced quotes from folks who are actually racists:

10. Democrat Fritz Hollings of South Carolina thinks being from Africa makes you a cannibal: "You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva."
9. Howard Dean reaches out: "I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks."
8. California Democrat Diane Watson thinks interracial marriage is icky: "He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black."
7. Howard Dean thinks service positions are for minorities, not big fancy white people: "You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? ... Only if they had the hotel staff in here."
6. Joe Biden explains why southern Democrats should vote for him: "My state was a slave state."
5. "Conscience of the Senate" and former Klansman Robert Byrd on equal opportunity: "I've seen a lot of white n*ggers in my time.
4. Hillary Clinton does an impression (complete with accent) of an African-American man who didn't know what Emily's List was: "She's supportin' all these people. She's supportin' Sen. Dianne Feinstein . She's supported Sen. Barbara Boxer . . . She supported everybody. Why won't she support me?"
3. Democratic Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin denies that white people might live in New Orleans: "I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.""
2. Democrat Steny Hoyer reviews Michael Steele's career: "[He has] a career of slavishly supporting the Republican Party."
1. Then Senator Joe Biden fills us in on who works at convenience stores: "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent ... I'm not joking."

Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Crackhead prize

Apparently the folks on the Nobel Prize committee are passing the crack-pipe pretty heavily.  See, The Obamessiah hadn't even been in office two weeks before the deadline for nomination, and YET, he did enough in that two weeks and the time during his campaign to warrant the award.

I'm not sure exactly what the hell he did exactly, other than a helluval lot of lying, but it seems that was enough.

However, in honor of this awarding to only the 3rd sitting US president, let's take a look at the elite company he's keeping  (Stolen from this blog, posted :

Yassir Arafat: This would be the man who diverted billions of dollars into his own Swiss bank accounts that was intended for the Palestinian people. Not only that, but the money that DID happen to get to them, was siphoned off by Hamas, the PLO, Hizbullah, and al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade to be used to kill Israeli's among others. Yep, he deserved the award.

Mikhail Gorbachev: While Gorby was being bitchslapped by Reagan at Reykjavik, he still had the KGB torturing and killing civilians during his rule. He also kept the Afghan war going for longer and was the first Soviet leader to send troops to Chechnya. He also threatened to squash any revolutions in the Soviet bloc, although by that time, he lacked any power to actually do it.

Jimmy Carter: While never really having been responsible for wars directly, Jimmuh is fully responsible for the beginning of the latest wave of Islamic facism by not stepping up and siding with the Shah of Iran. He may have been a dictator, but he was OUR dictator, and a helluva lot better than the guys who followed, one of which is now pursuing nukes and leading the country. He's sided with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Augusto Pinochet, Ferdinand Marcos, Manuel Noriega and others...all brutal dictators in their various countries. But yeah, his interests are peace.

Kofi Annan: Kofi has presided over what can only be described as the largest scandal in the history of the world, but yet, it never made the mainstream media. The oil for food scandal, where various bureaucrats were paid off, or were able to buy and resell items to Saddam Hussein is in the billions of dollars, but has it been on the front page of the NY Slimes? Washington Post? Nah.
We also have Al 'I never met a private jet I didn't like' Gore, whose jetting around the world telling people not to jet around the world seems to be a bit hypocritical to me, but I could be wrong. Here's a guy who apparently thinks that while it's ok for him to eat enough food to feed a small country, but yet needs to tell farmers to stop using pesticides and insecticides because they pollute the land. Al, if they stop, there won't be enough food for you AND the rest of the world,

So, all told, I guess this was a pretty appropriate award after all, lumping The Obamessiah in with criminals and con-artists.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Obama's dream citizen

Detroit citizens lined up to apply for stimulus money without any sort of knowledge of what the money was truly for yesterday.  Some had the mistaken thought that they were going to get a $3,000 stimulus check, which obviously not correct.  Ken Rogulski, from the local ABC radio affiliate, WJR, interviewed a woman who was obviously well versed on how the government works:

Ken Rogulski, Channel 4 WJR News

ROGULSKI: Did you get an application to fill out yet?

WOMAN: I sure did. And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.

ROGULSKI: Will you know today how much money you're getting?

WOMAN: No, I won't, but I'm waiting for a phone call.

ROGULSKI: Where's the money coming from?

WOMAN: I believe it's coming from the City of Detroit or the state.

ROGULSKI: Where did they get it from?

WOMAN: Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.

ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get the funds?

WOMAN: Obama getting the funds from... Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He's the president.

ROGULSKI: In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News