$165 million of the $200 BILLION that we gave (yes, gave) AIG goes to executive bonuses that the company was contractually obligated to pay and people are up in arms. Losing their damn minds over less than 1/10 of 1% of the taxpayer money given to the company. By the way, much of that bonus money was paid to Americans who would in turn invest it into the economy and pay taxes on it. But, that's overlooked of course.
What about the $2.9 billion that George Soros has made during the current economic crisis by betting against the housing market? Where's the outrage there? Where are the hearings, congress? Where are the late night sessions to craft a special tax for Mr. Soros' profits? How about a windfall tax on Mr. Soros just like what was proposed against the oil companies?
Not so much. See, here's why: He's a financial supporter of the Dimwitocrats. No way are they going to cut off their nose to spite their face there.
Where's the outrage over the bigger bonuses that went to the FannieMae and FreddieMac executives who ran a tax-payer supported business into the ground? Nowhere to be found. Where's the outrage over Bawney Fwank and his step-brother Christopher Dodd profiting from their close relationships with AIG, Freddy and Fannie? *POOF* disappeared.
Manufactured outrage isn't going to get us through this crisis and isn't going to reform our government. Change is only a slogan that is used to get elected (as we saw this past election cycle) when used by politicians. The people need to support change, and the current government officials are definitely not part of that solution. Never have been. The only change they want is what is left in your pockets.
This country is ripe for a revolution, and I think it's coming sooner rather than later. I don't mean a guns and ammo type revolution, but one where our thinking changes and we're reminded that this country was started on a foundation of some basic freedoms that seem to be eroding away by the incrementalism of government's over-reaching policies.
It's time to water the tree of liberty.
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