Webster definition:
not according to or authorized by law : UNLAWFUL, ILLICIT; also : not
sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)
Now, maybe some of you STILL don't get it and believe in the myths perpetuated by those in favor of a liberal immigration policy. Let's look at a few just to get a taste(thanks to grassfire.net for this list):
1. Illegals still pay taxes that benefit our economy. This is so stupid as to be laughable. IF they paid taxes, many of us who believe they should be shipped out would moderate our views a tad. But most are day laborers paid in cash. They don't have social security numbers/tax id's and thus couldn't pay taxes if they wanted to. And even the ones who have a number that they give to their employers, those numbers are fake about 95% of the time, and at day laborer wages, they still don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of having them here. Take a look at any LA/San Diego maternity ward to see thousands upon thousands of brand new American citizens being born to illegals every year, free of charge. Well, free to them anyway. Expensive to you and I.
2. Illegals don't affect politics because they can't vote. Completely not true. Look in Wisconsin and Washington for your proof. At least a thousand illegal aliens voted in the last election just in those two states each. And the only reason they were examined so closely was due to close elections, or perceived irregularities. I'd be willing to bet that if you examined the vote in Arizona, Texas, California, New Mexico, and Florida, you'd see thousands of illegals voting. Of course, it's illegal for them to vote, but usually they're rounded up by some low-level DemoncRat staffer who promises them cigarettes or protection to get them to vote.
3. Illegals do the work that Americans won't do. Again, are you kidding me? Yes, there are some LAZY Americans. Heck, the welfare system allows many of them to be so. However, when people want to work, they will work, no matter what the job is. The problem here, economically, is that the employers are willing to accept illegals because their penalties are so miniscule that it's worth the risk. Standard risk management strategy applies. The penalties for employers who give illegals jobs need to be increased 10-fold. Profits for these companies increase exponentially, while costs to taxpayers increase even more. Janet Jackson shows a nipple on TV and penalties for 'obscenity' go through the roof. Why can't Congress do something that actually PROTECTS Americans, and follow suit?
4. Illegal immigration doesn't affect me. Look around. See the changes that are happening in our politics thanks to illegal immigration. Note the domination of the states in the Southwest thanks to population shifts. Those are also the states most likely to be affected by illegals. However, as those of you who have been paying attention may know, non-border states are also victim of the costs of illegal aliens living there. Connecticut, Georgia, and New Jersey recently were reported as havens for illegals, sporting some of the largest populations of illegals, who are living on these states benefit systems. When the problem becomes severe enough, these benefits dry up for everyone.
We need to close our borders to the illegal flood of people coming into the country. We can do that one of two ways. Post a National Guardsman every 50 feet, with orders to shoot to kill. I figure that'll take about a week before word gets back to the smugglers that it's not such a good idea to try to bring folks over the border. That's my favorite, but would probably be an issue with all the troops we have in Iraq.
Or we could make the supply of jobs and benefits dry up so that it's not worth the risk in the sweltering desert to come to the US, because they'll be just as unemployed here as they are there.
California voters passed Proposition 187 (that was struck down by some idiot judge), that didn't allow aliens to participate in their benefit system. That needs to be revisited on a federal level, and the enforcement from the employer side needs to be addressed(which wasn't in Prop 187. Stop chasing the aliens, start chasing the employers. Guarantee when you start hitting them in their wallet, they'll stop hiring illegals.
One more point: The mis-wired carbon unit/animal in Florida, who is accused of (and has admitted to) raping and burying alive an 8 year old girl in Lake Worth Florida, is an illegal alien. Several of the 9/11 hijackers were here illegally. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.
Other posts:
Minuteman aftermath
Immigration-A Republican splitting point
Mexico=Not our friendly neighbors
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