Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Powerline has John Kerry's form SF-180. What I find interesting is that the liberals were clamoring for full disclosure of all President Bush's National Guard records, including ones that had to be forged to be disclosed. But these three releases, Boston Globe, Associated Press, and a media outlet which has been whited out, allows only the biased reporters who have written the man's biography access to the records. These are the same people who have created the myth that John Kerry is a war hero. Who is the third outlet? Bet it's not Fox News, FreeRepublic.com, or anyone else who would be critical of Senator Kerry's record.

I don't trust them with his records, you shouldn't either.

Oh, and where the hell is John Kerry in this whole DICK Durbin issue? He loved to talk about how he served his country during the entire election but now, he's conspicuously quiet when that idiot criticized our troops and compared them to the Khmer Rouge, Nazi's, and Communist killers.

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