Jousting at the windmills of hypocrisy, scammers, and other stuff that irritates me.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
John Kerry is a hypocritical prick
So in essence, if you're stupid and uneducated, you join the military? Is that the message here?
Someone a lot smarter than me is going to have to explain this one to me, because I was too stupid to stay out of the military.
Bouchard for Senate
Angry voters
You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, Goddamnit! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell,'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!Well, as a Republican, I'm feelin him. I mean, let's face it, this last session of frustration over the last two years has been less satisfying than in high school dating the school prude. So close, but yet, no way. And as people who believe in personal responsibility, we want to hold someone accountable for the utter failure of this Congress to enact any sort of immigration reform, failure to control the growth of government, and failure to do damn near anything worthwhile.
So we decide, 'dammit, I'm not voting. Screw those jackasses. If they want to win, it's going to be without me'. Right? Tell me I'm not the only one who's thought this.
The problem is, where the hell were you people during the primaries? When we could have knocked off a moderate/liberal/spineless incumbent and replaced them with a conservative? Oh yeah, it happened in a couple places, in fact in the district next to mine, they replaced RINO Joe Schwartz with Tim Wahlberg. But truly, where has that happened around the country. Thanks for joining the fight folks, next time let's do it before the damn primaries so we can get rid of the idiots making the decisions.
But for now, to leave the next two years up to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Henry Waxman, John Conyers, John Dingell, and worst of all, Teddy Kennedy is just too scary to even consider.
Yes, I'd like to tell you to vote Libertarian, and in the races where your vote isn't going to make much of a difference, you should. If the governors race here in MI wasn't so close, I'd do it. But we're talking about reality, not principle here. Reality: Libertarians have zero shot until they get a 'name' candidate to run and attract the $$ that the other two clown-stores can attract.
Anyway, if your excuse it that you're angry with the Republicans and want to teach them a lesson, remember the soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen in the field, and remember the 'lesson' that the Dimwitocrats would like to send the world about our military. They want to quit, run away with their tails between their legs leaving the fledgling democracy in Iraq to totter on their brand new legs and possibly fall, and then point to President Bush and blame him for the instability. And then we'll have a new terrorist training ground, sponsored by yet another middle eastern government. Great.
Amazingly, Puffy was right.
Vote. Or die.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Cheney and Rummy must go
Usually Jules is right on the mark with his columns and I agree 100% without reservation. However, I'm not quite on board with him right now.
While I agree that Rummy has led the US into a war where more would have been better, and he chose less, where armor and strength would have been better than diplomacy and neutrality, I'm not 100% sure that it was his fault.
It seems we've fought this war like we fought Desert Storm, where we were worried about world opinion and the opinions of the others in the coalition. While we do have to take the opinions of the others in the coalition into mind, we need to fight the war as it needs to be fought. Brutal. Ruthless. Dirty. And with some finality. Either we win, or we die. Just that simple. If we don't win in Iraq, the terrorists will have another training base for operations, government funded, and backed by the full faith and credit of yet another middle eastern government.
And I agree that Rummy hasn't exactly shown that willingness fight it with an overwhelming force described in 'Shock and Awe', but not displayed by our attack. Yes, we kicked their asses in record time, but that didn't eliminate the enemy. Just gave them a chance to be assimilated into the citizenry. And with the fear that Saddam's government had instilled in the people, they were terrified to give them up, for fear that Saddam would come back, and there would be repercussions.
My question though, and obviously this is strictly for discussion purposes is, who would be the head of the DoD then? I think Sam Nunn would be a good choice. He's a DINO (Democrat in Name only) former Senator from Georgia who was extremely influential in the defense department and was always a strong defender of American interests.
But perhaps someone outside the General Norman Schwartzkopf. Now THERE would be a DoD leader.
Just a thought.
Gun grabbing
But what has happened over the last 50 years is so disgusting a violation of the people's consitutional rights that we should be outraged. But instead some just nod their heads and say "Yeah, really..what does someone need a gun for with the police protecting them?"
Well, out of all the lessons of Katrina, the most compelling that I've found is the necessity of people to fight for their rights to own and carry a firearm. Not just the looting, raping, and murdering brings this to mind, but the fact that the authorities entered citizens homes, law abiding citizens mind you, and took their firearms from them. These were the same citizens that the police could NOT protect from the gang members and hooligans roaming the streets, the police were entering their houses like the Nazi's and taking their only defense.
Normally, I don't advocate joining any organizations or donating money to political causes here, because I don't really think that my place is to solicit funds for a third party.
But, people with intelligence, people who are intellectually honest, and people who want to defend the citizens rights to own and carry a gun should join the NRA. Period. I've even provided a handy link right there. It's all of $35/year. Heck, that's a cheap night out at the bar for some of know who you are.
And if you don't believe me that the
I'm not saying it'll happen again. I'm just sayin it'll definitely happen again if people don't voice their dissent.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Google sucks, pt 4,732
Then comes Chris Bowers, some left wing jackass who decided that he was going to 'GoogleBomb' several conservative politicians over the next couple weeks. And is Google doing a damn thing about it, even though the unethical tactic is being published in the New York Slimes? Nah...
Thanks Jiggidy for the following:
First off. Google is supposed to be "immune" to this kind of stuff. It used to be this way, but they have radically changed their algorithms to incorporate multiple factors so that this exact thing cannot be done. For example, why would a company buy Google's AdWords service and pay to up their Google ad rating if they (the company) can guarantee that they'll get a high hit-rate themselves by doing what this ignoramus is doing...? They wouldn't. In other words, there's two conclusions you can reach:
1.) This guy has insider knowledge of Google's algorithms and can thus tailor his website to theirs. This was supposed to be stopped by Google also looking at referring webpages, their content, etc. I just don't see this as a possible scenario, because this guy would either need his own server farm or a whole gaggle of cohorts.
2.) ...and I think that this is VERY likely. Google is _ACTIVELY_ allowing this to occur. They are a very disgustingly liberal organization who doesn't care about things like ... our veterans. Yep, that's right. My buddy who is a Marine has written them for two years now asking why they make special "google home page designs" for stuff like MLK, Ramadan, and Ka-Boom, while they don't do ANYTHING on their site for Veteran's Day. NOTHING.
There's nothing more that I'd like to see than Google's stock come crashing to the floor. They're a disgusting liberal organization that can "labor" in anonymity using the fact that they're simply offering a search feature. Well, as John Mayer's song says... "When they control the information, they can bend it all they want." While it's not the reference that he had in mind, I think that it perfectly describes the power that Google has.
p.s. See their placating of China:
US Site:
China Site:
Friday, October 27, 2006
I just don't give a rats ass
1. Gay Marriage. I don't care. Seriously. Not one iota. If y'all want to be as miserable as us married folks, go right ahead. But just remember, gay marriage also means gay divorce.
2. Mark Foley. Can't find one bone in my body that gives a flying rats ass. So he's gay, so what? So he sent some pages some dirty IM's. Age of consent in DC is 16, the pages were 16. The only thing that irritates me about this whole deal is the hypocrisy of the Dimwits screaming about him being gay when Barney Frank has a gay whorehouse run out of his house and they're fine with him.
3. Global warming. Couldn't give two shits. Considering on October 12, we had two inches of 'global warming' spread all over Kalamazoo, and then again last week got another inch of it, I think big Al has his head in his ass. Additionally, in the 70's, Newsweek had all kinds of 'scientific' evidence that proved that an Ice Age was coming. So, I'm not putting much weight in this whole thing until most of the east coast is under water....and hell, then we'll be rid of a large number of blue states, so we're all winners.
4. Exxon is making huge profits. Hell, I used to be a stockholder and sold when they hit $65, so I'm only pissed because I sold the damn thing and didn't get the dividends. They took huge losses when gas was $20/barrel. Anyone pissed about that?
5. Walmart. Yep, they sell stuff cheap. Yep, they don't pay their employees much. Neither does Kmart, Meijers, or Target, but no one is pissed about them. Why is Walmart the target? Two reasons: they're #1, and they fight unions wherever they go. I say "go Walmart". Hell I may even start shopping there more.
6. Anything slutMadonna, FatassRosie, AlecdoublechinBaldwin, Susan Sarandon, Sean 'Anger Management' Penn, or the Dixie cHicks have to say. Hell, just lump all those idiots who wanna spout off like they actually know what they're talking about in there. Shut up and sing/act/dance whatever we're paying you for. You remind me of a stripper at the titty bar: I pay for a lap dance, don't come over here and get all verbal diarrhea on me with your opinion on world hunger. Shake your booty in my face, take your $20, and move on. I. don't. care. Go away.
Just can't even raise a hackle about it. Not even one little fart of a concern.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Attention all Veterans!
"We are announcing a Veterans Pride Initiative to remind Americans of the pride and honor in the hearts of those who have served," Nicholson said. "We expect Americans will see our decorated heroes unite in spirit at ceremonies, in parades and elsewhere as a compelling symbol of courage and sacrifice on Veterans Day, the day we set aside to thank those who served and safeguarded our national security."
The campaign is modeled after a tradition in Australia and New Zealand, countries who honor the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) on April 25. ANZAC Day sees veterans wearing their military decorations whatever they are doing on that day. Nicholson said he hopes a U. S. tradition will ensue to emulate this pride in being a veteran and in honoring our veterans.
VA is offering information about the campaign on its Web page,, where veterans also can obtain information about how to replace mislaid medals and learn how to confirm the decorations to which they are entitled.
Oh christ..shoot me in the face
Muslim Leader: Women make us rape them
In 2000, there was a series of gang rapes where women were attacked by a mob of muslim animals. Only 9 of the 14 animals who participated in these rapes have been convicted of their crimes, due to lack of evidence on the other 5. They've been sentenced to anywhere between 11 and 40 years in prison, being other peoples bitches.
However, now the senior cleric in Australia has come out and said that it's the girls fault. It's their fault because they "sway suggestively and wore make-up and immodest dress". Now, I understand that it's their belief that women should be dressed conservatively with the veil and all that, but how in the hell can this assbandit get away with this sort of crap without the left going nuts? Muslims like to spout off all the crap about how they're a civilized religion, religion of peace, etc, but then want to abdicate responsibility for anything that they do, blaming it on others.
"That homocide bombing wasn't our fault, Israel oppresses us"
"9/11 isn't our fault, the US is the great satan"
"These gang-rapes aren't our fault, these women dressed suggestively, wore makeup and let's face it, they were hot!"
The funny thing is, that feeds right into the beliefs of many of the people who are beginning to hate Islam, stating that it is a religion of animals and medieval-minded morons.
I personally know and am friends with several Muslims that don't fall into this category, and just like any other sweeping generalization, you can't paint them all with a broad brush. But these other clowns keep giving me the brush, paint, and instructions to start going that direction.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Mexicantown Welcome Center
Well, the research that I've done has been less than conclusive, but it looks like the Welcome Center is a tourist thing. Basically, the Mexicantown area in Detroit is right off the Ambassador Bridge, which connects Windsor, Ontario, Canada, with D-town. A lot of development has been happening in that area over the last five years, including shops, residential areas, etc. This was supposed to be a centerpiece for the area, attracting tourists and providing information about the things you can do in Mexicantown.
Now, I dunno about now, since I've not been there in about three years, but back in the day, there was two things you could do in Mexicantown: Go to Xochimilco's, arguably one of the best Mexican restaurant I've EVER been to, and get robbed. Hopefully, with all the new development, the latter isn't as prevalent a choice anymore.
And apparently, it wasn't completely funded by tax dollars, which I'm also appreciative of.
So, no complaints from me right now about this deal, and heck, I hope it helps develop the area so that our tax dollars aren't used so much to support it.
A little palate cleanser
As someone who lived through the 70's, I'm ashamed to admit that I remember much of the styles and trends from then. Granted, I was barely a teen at the end of them, but I still remember the strange colors and weird styles.
However, THIS, takes the cake. Apparently, in 1974, the folks at Weight Watchers thought that Fluffy Mackeral Pudding was a good idea and sounded tasty. Also apparent is the fact that the folks at Weight Watchers took way too many hits on the bong before publishing these recipes. The best part, other than laughing at the decor, are the comments. I'm not even sure what this is, but it's the most disgusting one.
Thanks Sandy for the laugh.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Gettin muddy
This morning I saw some ads that troubled me though, and while I know it's just typical lying political groups, I thought I'd address a few things here. The particular advertisement was for Alexander Lipsey, who is running for State Senate against Tom George. Not a particularly sexy race, but one that I think really typifies the races across the state. It's definitely a competitive district, but also one where the Dimwitocrats love to attack the incumbent, George. Last election, Ed Laforge, the Dimwitocrats candidate, threw everything but the kitchen sink at George and he was able to come through it, but this year remains to be seen.
Anyway, the advertisement has this couple sitting at the kitchen table (apparently a place that all folksy political ads should be filmed) and they talk about how they both lost their jobs due to outsourcing. Outsourcing has become the 'dirty word' of politics in Michigan lately, because apparently focus groups have shown the Dimwitocrats that this word gets a rise out of people. Except for the fact that outsourcing means that the company actually gives the work to OTHER companies rather than moving the work to another country...but let's not argue semantics right now. So, these two people say that Tom George voted against a meaningless proposal in the Michigan state senate that asked the US Congress to pass a law punishing companies that outsource work and that they lost their job because of him.
Now, I realize that political ads have to say a lot in a short time, but let's at least have some semblance of truth in them. Yes, Tom George voted against it. Not sure why, not that it matters. It was meaningless. Asking the US Congress to pass a law like that is akin to just asking companies to go ahead and move all their operations out of the country because we're going to be just about as friendly to the corporate world as Europe. Obviously this ad is funded by unions who could care less about the health of the company, as long as they get their share.
The couple goes on to say that their jobs were 'outsourced' to Mexico. This is where I stood up and went "HOOOOOOOLLLD on there partner". Isn't Mexico where the former hero/Presidential candidate turned nutjob, Ross Perot said that there would be a giant sucking sound coming from? And isn't Mexico the number one beneficiary of NAFTA, the treaty supported by the Dimwitocrats patron saint of liberalism, William Jefferson Clinton? Ah yes, it comes full circle.
But it doesn't end there. about 15 minutes later, I'm watching the news, they break for commercial and here's the SAME commercial. However, this time, they've edited it so that it's against Michael Bouchard, the candidate for Senate against worthless Debbie Stabenow. And they've added on the end that a vote for Bouchard is like a vote for Bush and Devos economic policies. Funny thing is, everywhere else in the entire country the economy is rocking right along. Unemployment is down, housing starts are STILL going, amazingly so, inflation is tame, and people are working. Yes, jobs are lost, but other companies are hiring those people right back into the work force. However, in Michigan, the state is sucking. And while they'd like to blame Bush, let's face it, the Dimwitocrats have run the state for four years, as well as the fact that we've had Dimwitocrats Senators for the last six years.
And we see how well that's worked out for us.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Winner: Best use of Johnny Cash song in a political ad
I got stripes
I'll try to embed it, but the code the site provides didn't work when I tried it and I didn't have time to debug. I'll work on it later.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Much thanks to J^2 for this
The Honorable Carl Levin
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Dear Senator Levin:
As a native Michigander and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Immigration and Naturalization Service in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.
My reasons for wishing to change my status from U.S. citizen to illegal alien stem from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, what I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years.
I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year, so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of the last five years taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent return for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005 and I estimated a gross savings approximating $72,000. After the fine this would yield me a net savings of $70,000.
In addition, I would reap the other benefits of being an illegal alien such as free health care, avoidance of paying Social Security taxes, buying automobile insurance, serving on jury panels, etc. If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative.
Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Don't Forget! Wednesday is National Talk rike Kim Jong Il day!
H8...sheer unadulterated H8
However, this particular story has nothing to do with that. It has to do with a company whose product is so horrible that we spent $125k or so on it, and it gives us nothing useful. But we can't dump it because we SPENT $125,000 on it! This product is called QRadar. The idea is that it's supposed to provide a visibility into the network so that network admins can track down potential problems, security pogues can track down viruses or policy violations, and server admin-types can track down traffic that may beat up their servers. It's fun for the whole IT family.
And if it worked as advertised, I'd be happy.
But it doesn't. The filters set up on the box are generally crap. The traffic that its sensors pick up is standard stuff, but it gets caught in the 'offense manager'. 'Oh that's a problem with the tuning' they say, trying to sluff their crap off on my stupidity.
Not this time junior.
So, back to the $125k. Included in that amount was 5 days of consultative time. They're supposed to come out, help install the product, and get it tuned for you. As well as ensure that you're getting what you want from the product, report-wise. My first experience with them was at my 'home' site, where I'm stationed 90% of the time. I asked for 5 days, got 2.5, with a promise for more in the future. "We're really busy and short a couple field engineers, so if you don't mind, we'll get it installed and then help you online and over the phone get it tuned". Needless to say, it never got tuned properly, and hell if I have time to get it squared away.
So, I tried to get it right with this site. I started planning and scheduling this in August. Yep, August. Finally, two weeks ago, I get an email from the guy, "Congratulations, I can be there Oct 16-18". I figured, that actually meant to WORK the 16-18.
That meant he'd arrive at 6pm or so on the 16th, and come to my site at 10:30am on the 17th. Leaving a day and a half or so to get the install done. (Remember I said we had 5 days? yeah...)
Then their special hardened OS distro doesn't support the 3com fiber cards in the server. 3com. It's not like we picked some random-ass noname network card. It's a friggin 3COM! But no. So, we have to use a redhat distro, which I'm ok with, since I kinda know RH. But of course, today of all days, the RH site is down. Not sure why, or wtf happened, but it's down.
So, comedy of errors all around, I'm sitting in the datacenter at 5:30, and I probably will be here tomorrow at 5:30am as well, without having gone back to the hotel to sleep.
Damn consultants.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Want to know the truth about China?
And apparently we can't trust them to not shoot their own citizens for walking peacefully over some mountains to see the Dalai Lama.
Why isn't this a headline story on CNN, FoxNews, or pMSNBC?
Friday, October 13, 2006
SEALS are American heroes.
However, SEALs are way different. I've trained with SEALs on the Arabian penninsula, I've taught them about explosives, they taught me about weapons. When I see a story like this, it tears my heart out, but it also reminds me why it is that I respect SEALs so much, and why it is that we're so lucky to have people like this in our military. From Foxnews:
Fair winds and following seas sailor, may the good Lord keep a cold one on ice for you.CORONADO, Calif. — A Navy SEAL sacrificed his life to save his comrades by throwing himself on top of a grenade Iraqi insurgents tossed into their sniper hideout, fellow members of the elite force said.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor had been near the only door to the rooftop structure Sept. 29 when the grenade hit him in the chest and bounced to the floor, said four SEALs who spoke to The Associated Press this week on condition of anonymity because their work requires their identities to remain secret.
"He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it,"said a 28-year-old lieutenant who sustained shrapnel wounds to both legs that day."He undoubtedly saved mine and the other SEALs'lives, and we owe him."
Monsoor, a 25-year-old gunner, was killed in the explosion in Ramadi, west of Baghdad. He was only the second SEAL to die in Iraq since the war began.
Two SEALs next to Monsoor were injured; another who was 10 to 15 feet from the blast was unhurt. The four had been working with Iraqi soldiers providing sniper security while U.S. and Iraqi forces conducted missions in the area
Novel Piece Prize
Just to put this into perspective, let's take a quick look at some of the past winners:
Yassir Arafat: This would be the man who diverted billions of dollars into his own Swiss bank accounts that was intended for the Palestinian people. Not only that, but the money that DID happen to get to them, was siphoned off by Hamas, the PLO, Hizbullah, and al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade to be used to kill Israeli's among others. Yep, he deserved the award.
Mikhail Gorbachev: While Gorby was being bitchslapped by Reagan at Reykjavik, he still had the KGB torturing and killing civilians during his rule. He also kept the Afghan war going for longer and was the first Soviet leader to send troops to Chechnya. He also threatened to squash any revolutions in the Soviet bloc, although by that time, he lacked any power to actually do it.
Jimmy Carter: While never really having been responsible for wars directly, Jimmuh is fully responsible for the beginning of the latest wave of Islamic facism by not stepping up and siding with the Shah of Iran. He may have been a dictator, but he was OUR dictator, and a helluva lot better than the guys who followed, one of which is now pursuing nukes and leading the country. He's sided with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Augusto Pinochet, Ferdinand Marcos, Manuel Noriega and others...all brutal dictators in their various countries. But yeah, his interests are peace.
Kofi Annan: Kofi has presided over what can only be described as the largest scandal in the history of the world, but yet, it never made the mainstream media. The oil for food scandal, where various bureaucrats were paid off, or were able to buy and resell items to Saddam Hussein is in the billions of dollars, but has it been on the front page of the NY Slimes? Washington Post? Nah.
Come to think of it, to lump this psychotic idiot in with the rest of them, may not be a bad idea....
Thought for the day
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Dirty Harry
I'm talking about Harry Reid, who over the last year or two has accused the Republicans of being everything but stealing candy from babies (and I'm sure that has crossed his mind as well). The hypocrisy comes in the fact that if you investigate it, Reid is dirtier than the majority of Republicans.
-First of all, the free ringside boxing tickets given to him by the Nevada Athletic Commission (the regulators of boxing in Nevada) during the time that Senate was considering a bill to regulate boxing. Nope, that's not corruption, that's 'investigative legislation'.
-Next, Jack Abramoff. Tom Delay is forced to resign due to the money he took from groups represented by Abramoff, but Reid? Oh, heck no. He'll take the money and keep calling the Republicans corrupt without any concern for a politically overzealous prosecutor going after him.
-How about land deals? Nope, not sexy, but definitely dirty. Harry has two that stick out, and that's without even doing much research. One where in 2002, thousands of acres of federal property were opened up for development. His son's company? Oh, they got access to a large portion of this property and developed it for millions of dollars. I'm sure there's absolutely zero connection between Harry being there and his company profiting.
The other land deal is a bit more complex, which is why, like Whitewater, I'm sure it'll get no traction amongst the media. IQ points of members of the media being in the double digits tends to mean that we as Americans only get the news that they can understand. But I'll try to explain:
In 1998 Harry Reid bought some vacant land outside of Vegas for about $400,000. Yes, this is the same land that he worked to get freed up for development from federal acreage. One parcel he bought solo, the other parcel was bought jointly with a guy named Jay Brown, who doesn't exactly have the purest reputation.
In 2001, Reid sold the land for the same price to an LLC created by Brown, but did not disclose that he had sold it through any of his reporting required of senators.
After using Reid's influence to get local officials to rezone the property, Brown's LLC sold the land, and paid Reid $1.1 million. In 2004.
But Reid didn't OWN the land in 2004. So either he got paid for his influence in getting the property, for his influence in getting the property rezoned, or paid for helping this guy sell the land. Any of these are unethical. Oh and did I mention that when questioned regarding this land deal by an AP reporter, Reid hung up on him?
But it's the Republicans who are corrupt? Man, we may as well legalize it, because it seems like a good number of folks are smoking it.
RIP Cory Lidle

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering what we know about the clueless wonder that is Olby. I guess expecting people to exhibit some semblance of class in the absence of clue is like expecting Madeline Albright to act in the interests of the United States. Worth a shot, but more than likely a waste of time.
But seriously, this jackass KO has the balls to talk about Lidle being a 'journeyman'? Are you kidding me Keith? How many gigs have you had since 97? According to some research I did, you're looking at just about the same number. So that makes you a journeyman as well, certainly not a star/superstar. And according to the gossip columns, that goes for your performance in the sack as well, but we probably all could have guessed that. Your gall on your show displays some sort of need to overcompensate for something, so I guess we all know what that is now.
Anyway, usually I'll not waste bits/bytes talking about the Yankees, probably my most hated sports team of all time(besides the Raiders), but in this case, Lidle was a class act and talented guy and my condolences to his family and friends.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
National Talk Rike Kim Jong Il Day!
When babies are outlawed, only outlaws will have babies....
Her boyfriend, who apparently blackened her eye after she put the child down (nice guy there) said "People are trying to make a big deal about it, but she did not do it on purpose. ... It was just a mistake". A mistake? Are you friggin kidding me? A mistake? She accidentally grabbed her 4 week old son and started swinging him like a Louisville slugger? Just exactly how stupid does this moron think people are. Nevermind.....I already know. And the worst part is that some other idiot is now saying that she may have suffered from post-partum depression. That'd be the same mental disorder that Andrea Yates used to get herself acquitted of the murder by drowning of her five children.
And liberals are trying to ban guns? How about banning reproduction by stupid people? Banning stupid people from breathing? Banning people letting stupid people drink..oh, no wait, that'd shut down 95% of the bars.
Jesus...someone whack her in jail...please.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Zucker advertisement
Olbermann is a douchebag

According to her, he's nowhere near as liberal in the sack as he is on his show.
Some NY gossip columnist posted the information in their column, and as a result, her blog has been hacked, slammed with comments, and generally dissed.
I just like the fact that the idiot named from pMSNBC gets low ratings on TV and in the rack. Coulda guessed.
Monday, October 09, 2006
N.Korea's got nukes, Thanks Bill
It's Bill Clinton's fault.
Yes, I know, I LOVE to blame Bill Clinton for the worlds ills, and for the most part, I'm right when I do so. But in this case, it's true. Let's look at the North Korean deal for nuclear technology back when Billyboy was in office. In 1994, Bill Clinton and his administration sold light water reactor technology to the North Koreans. As a result, this put the North Korean government on a fast track to nukes. And bam, there you are.
I said it before, I'll say it again, Bill Clinton did irrepairable harm to the world. Everywhere. North Korea, Sudan, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Iraq and more.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Sports fans in Michigan
Only thing left is for the Lions to smack the snot outta those damn Vikings.
Yeah, like THAT's gonna happen.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Women against Webb
But now, a new website has come out, Webb against Women, filled with quotes from Mr. Webb. Things like:
“Many women appear to be having problems with their sexuality…What kind of woman would seek out the Academy routine?” (pg. 282, “Women Can’t Fight,” Washingtonian Magazine, November 1979)Apparently Mr. Webb isn't exactly shooting for the women's vote.
Nice thing is that this is coming out BEFORE the election, as opposed to when I'd expect it to come out...afterward.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Michael Steele: Class Act
However, he finally is fed up and is asking for an apology for a recent intrusion on a conversation with some parents who lost their children in Iraq during a welcome home ceremony for a National Guard unit. In an open letter to several Dimwits, he called them out, individually for their hypocrisy. A breath of fresh air. If this guy loses in his Senate race, it's a clear sign that the east coast has truly lost their friggin minds.
Dear Congressman Cardin, Governor Dean, Chairman Lierman and Senator Schumer:
For several months, I have been trailed by Democrat operatives filming my public events. At these events – speeches, press conferences, county fairs and parades – my every word and move has been recorded.
I realize this has become a part of modern campaigning and I welcome the scrutiny. In fact, I always make a point to say a friendly hello to whomever the Democrat Party sends to follow me. However, recent actions have crossed the line from political activity to an invasion of privacy.
On the morning of September 30, I participated in a homecoming ceremony for the Army National Guard 243rd Engineers. The event – as fitting for the occasion – was non-political. Republicans and Democrats joined together to welcome home brave men and women returning from Iraq and I attended in my official capacity to spend time with the troops and their families.
While speaking with two mothers whose sons had died in Iraq, I noticed the ever present Democrat operative filming our conversation. A conversation with parents who have lost a loved one in combat is private in nature and has no place in partisan politics, and certainly not in the smear campaign you have waged against me even before I entered the race for United States Senate. The filming of this conversation demonstrates a callous disregard for families who have lost a loved one and is an indefensible invasion of privacy.
Unfortunately, I have come to expect such ugly, gutter politics from you. Congressman Cardin, while saying you have expressed outrage to “all concerned parties” for the racist comments on your senior staffer’s blog, you have yet to apologize to me. Chairman Dean, your personal pollster, Cornell Belcher, advocated racist attacks to “knock” me down and “discredit” me, and yet I have received no apology from you. And, Senator Schumer, your staffers pled guilty to a crime when they stole my credit report and violated my privacy and that of my family, but I have had no apology from you either.
I did not think until this past Saturday, however, that such ugliness would intrude upon the return of our troops from Iraq. As I told your colleague, Congressman Steny Hoyer, who attended the event, this action represents a new low in Maryland politics and has no place in this campaign.
My campaign is focused on having a conversation with the voters of our state about the issues affecting Maryland and I am committed to building bridges over that which divides us. But, ugly partisan political tricks only work to divide our communities and represent the very type of political behavior voters are sick of.
If your respective organizations are as concerned as I am about the use of such poor judgment by your staff(s), you would take immediate steps to hold all responsible parties accountable.
I eagerly await your prompt response.
That seems to be the mantra chanted by both the Republicans and the Dimwitocrats over the past week in regards to Congressman Mark Foley's stupidity when it comes to IM'ing and emailing male, minor Congressional Pages. The dimwits are chanting it because it is politically expedient (not saying the Republicans aren't) to weaken the leadership of the Republican House and make it look like Speaker Hastert knew, but did nothing about it.
The Republicans are chanting it because it defrays attention from the actual scandal and also attempts to cast the Dimwits in a negative light, by saying that they put more minors at risk by not saying anything until the last minute, despite the fact that an apparent Dimwit operative had this information almost two years ago.
Who's right?
Neither. Mark Foley is a scumbag who deserves not only to be drummed out of the House unceremoniously, but also charged with felonies. Those felonies would be the same felonies that became felonies thanks to the laws he helped get passed. If you took one minute to read some of the crap that Foley was tossing around at the pages, you'd be with me on this.
The only thing that I WOULD like to emphasize is that former Congressman Gerry Studds, (unfortunate name, yes) admitted to actually HAVING sex with pages (not cybering, but actually physical sex), and was censured. However, during the censure vote, he turned his back on the House in a symbolic move to basically say "screw you people, I'm a congressman, I'll do what I want". When he left the House, he was given a standing ovation by the Dimwitocrat caucus.
Current Congressman Barney Frank (or Barney Fag)had a boyfriend who operated a male prostitution ring out of his apartment. Franks was also investigated for fixing tickets for his boyfriend's clientele who received them for parking in front of his apartment. Franks is now one of the 'voices of moral reason' in the Dimwitocrat caucus.
So, let's face it, the world if full of scumbags. We both have our share. The only problem being a Republican is that when our scumbags are discovered, they're splashed all over the news for weeks. When theirs are discovered, they hide it on page D-19 of the papers, and they never get a breath of air on TV.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Mexico lobbies for a veto
In a weird twist of logic, he actually says that building a fence to keep illegals out of this country will DECREASE security. Now, I've heard the saying "good fences make good neighbors" so I'm trying to understand this. Was it a situation where his english is not so good and as such, he screwed up the translation? I have to believe that's it, because no one with any friggin brains can believe that a fence to keep people out will actually make things LESS secure. I don't believe, unless you installed a big tunnel under the border and didn't monitor either side of the tunnel that you COULD make it less secure than it is now. We have people crossing the border at their own whim, we have border patrol stations that are NOT manned during certain ours of the day, we have people just coming across in the backs of in the HELL can a wall make it less secure?
Just another great example of the asinine logic (or lack thereof) that the people who want to take advantage of the American system use.
Well, at least they're not whining that this is a violation of their civil rights......yet.
Update: If President Bush chooses to exercise his right to veto a bill in this case, for only the second time in his presidency, I guarantee that the Dimwitocrats will take over both the House and the Senate, with a majority large enough to subject the US to impeachment, withdrawal from Iraq, tax increases, and an immigration bill that will allow anyone to come into the country any time they want, with full coverage under medicaid and any other federal program.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Katie's Revenge

Anthony Ray Stockelman was convicted of the abduction, rape, and murder of a 10 year old girl, Katlyn Collman. Apparently, in a bit of 'jailhouse justice', the inmates decided to welcome him to prison with a bit of a gift.
Now, I've heard the legends about how child molesters are treated differently in prison and how the prisoners tend to mete out their own bit of justice on these freaks, but damn. Maybe Congressman Mark Foley will get a tattoo along the lines of 'HYPOCRITE'.