Wednesday, January 25, 2006

January 25. D-Day.

Well, today is the day I get my last check from my former employer. I told myself I was going to wait until today to post a final verbal salvo about them and then move on. I've already said a lot of what I wanted to say, but there's always more.

The staff there are great folks. Some of the guys that are still there I really feel for, because they have to tolerate the stupidity that goes on regularly. MichaelMichael, Hammy, Grot, Turk, Little Timmy, Abdoooooo, Mr. Chaney, Jason^2, DaveMc, BestInternEver, I feel bad for you guys, because you have to tolerate the ignorance and stupidity that's being forced on you by people that have no idea what they're doing.

You have to tolerate people who'd rather sit in a meeting and spout buzzwords and strategies that won't work than people who know what they're talking about and work to square things away.
You have to work for a company that promotes an incompetent idiot that has earned absolutely no respect of her coworkers, merely because she's a female.
You have to work for a partner who values style more than substance, fashion more than facts, encourages cliques to form, who ensures that his pals get the best assignments and best gigs, excluding people who don't fit into his lifestyle and who don't necessarily appreciate his fashion sense. A partner who lies to the face of some, specifically to make himself look better. He ignores complaints regarding the people he's coaching, in order to make himself look better. Complaints like clients requesting that one never return to their site ever again. Another person blatantly copying the previous years reports, merely because he was too busy chatting on IM and 'moderating' online discussion sites to actually DO his work AND had previously sent a report to a client with pages and pages of corrections and comments still intact. Completely ignored.
You have to work for a company that not only looks the other way, but ENCOURAGES intragroup dating and relationships.
You have to justify expenses on things that should be second nature for a security group, like training and equipment.
You have to tolerate illogical travel (travelling to a site 700 miles away when there's local staff that could just as easily service the client), and stupid executives that don't understand why it is that you'd rather be at home.
You have to tolerate knowing that the people who left are making more money than you, travelling less than you, and probably not having to put up with quite as much BS as you.
You have to work for someone who is paranoid about someone 'stealing' the workpapers that have already been stolen from various standards sites like the NSA, CIS, SANS and the rest. So paranoid that he calls someone that was fired (because it was 'time to part ways') from the company to ask about the fact that the person emailed those workpapers to himself @ home, weeks earlier. Nevermind it's his job to do report review and quality control.
You have to work for someone who has no idea who is technical and who isn't, and even if he DID know, wouldn't care anyway, and would put you on whatever job fits the schedule, rather than something that fits your skills.
You have to work with a few coworkers who are more interested in getting dirt on you and running to the various partners who would rather burn you than promote you.
You have to work for a company that covered up at least TWO (that I know of) incidents where the staff accidentally penetrated and PWND a server/workstation at the wrong IP address. And rather than doing the research to find out the rightful owner of the machines, contacting them and explaining the situation(perhaps offering free security services to make up for it), just moved on like it never happened.

You know where I am, you know how to get a hold of me. WHEN you get the heck outta that situation, I'll cheer for you. If you need references, let me know, as I'll do my damndest to help you get outta there. Money ain't everything, I know that in some cases they're throwing $$ at you to keep you, but I guarantee when you leave, you'll wonder what kept you there so long.

Sorry guys. I like all y'all. We've shared many laughs, much grain alcohol, and a lot of misery. I wish you all good luck and godspeed.

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