Thursday, November 10, 2005

Veterans Day tomorrow

Every year I compose an email to damn near everyone I know, reminding them that it's November 11th, Armistice Day, or Veterans Day, depending on how old you are. Usually in this email I prod them to thank a veteran for their freedoms and for the fact that we still live in the greatest country this ball of mud has ever known.
This year I'm posting it here, but I'm not going to encourage you to thank anyone. The way I figure it, if you're too stupid to understand how much you owe to the people who've fought and died for your country, perhaps you should thank Cindy Sheehan, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, Al Franken or the rest of the idiots who are working so hard to tear this country apart.
As for me, I'll fly my flag, salute my veterans, and thank anyone who remotely resembles a vet.

Happy pre Veterans Day.

And if you want to see something that should get you choked up, if you have any patriotism at all, be sure and check out
It's too bad they didn't have it professionally sung and arranged by someone, but it gets the point across.

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