Friday, November 11, 2005

Google Sucks

Once again, Google has chosen to disrespect our veterans by not offering any sort of acknowledgement of their service on their home page.
Google decorates their home page for every holiday known to man, including some off-the-wall ones, like Kwanzaa and the celebration of certain individuals birthdays like Einstein and DaVinci. While I don't mind this, you'd think that they'd celebrate the people who have given them the freedom to make the ungodly amount of money that they have made, and given them the freedom to do what they want.
Especially considering Sergey Brinn, one of the co-founders of Google left the Soviet Union to come to this great country to make his billions.

I noticed this last year and emailed their public relations department. I received the following reply:

Thank you for your note. We're glad that you appreciate Google's holiday logos and would like to explain why we didn't post one for Veterans day this year. Please be assured that the decision whether to display a special logo for a holiday does not reflect any judgment on our part about the holiday itself.
Google's special logos tend to be lighthearted in nature. If we were to commemorate Veterans Day, we would want to express reverence, rather than mirth. This would be a particularly challenging design. We would not want to, in any way, create a graphic that could be interpreted as disrespectful. In light of the mail we've received about this, we're actively considering designs we could display on this day next year. We welcome any suggestions you may have.
My response to them was simple. Merely post the logos for the four major services, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Navy, and be done with it. A simple design, but still shows respect. Another symbol could have been the rifle, muzzle in the ground with the helmet on the butt of the rifle, with the boots in front of it. That is a symbolic gesture, honoring dead soldiers and Marines. But did they take any suggestions? Nope.

Bottom line, I'll be looking for another host for my blog, as Blogger is owned by Google. I'll also be removing the Google tool bar from my browser. If they're going to be ungrateful cowards, they can do it without me.

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