Tuesday, November 15, 2011

w00t...more responses

Apparently the idiots are out in full force today.  I received three different requests about my desk that's on Craigslist, all of which look to be scams.  Each one asked if the item was still available, which seems to be a standard question for scammers.  That's all they ask.  The first response was this, received from the email address davidatusani011@gmail.com:

Thanks for the swift response, just to let you know that am okay with the condition and price of the item, am ready for its purchase and i know there might be other potential buyers so am willing to add extra $30 so that you can keep it in my favor.  My form of payment will be by sending you Check via FedEx 2days local delivery. 
I'll be responsible for the pick-up and the movers/pick up money will be included in your payment to avoid delay and to enable movers to schedule an appropriate time for the pick-up at your location after check has been cashed,as i have other properties to be moved alongside with yours.
I would have really love to come for the viewing but due to my work frame that might not be possible, I hope you understand. Kindly get back to me with your full name and address including your cell number so i can make out payment to you.

I believe this is based on trust.



God Bless America!
Which I found relatively ironic, since "I believe this is based on trust" would indicate that I'm supposed to trust him because heck, he trusts me.  So, I'm going to go ahead and give him my full name and address so he can "make out payment to me". 

Golly, I can't wait!

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